Why spend your days in places, with people and doing things you don’t like, or that do not make you happy, fear of change is often greater than the uncomfortable situation we are in. We create our limits in our minds, then believe them to be the truth. One thing I learnt very early on in the field of psychology; ‘the truth” is never just that, it is only the truth as we see it. Just think for a moment, football, baseball, or any sport when you follow one person or a team, they are the best. If that were “true” then everyone would follow or support just that one team or person and we know that is not true. Snakes, heights, flying some people are terrified of one or maybe all of these, but not everyone. The actual snake, height or flight is not different, but our personal reaction is depending on our beliefs of the truth.
It is never too late or too soon to make changes for yourself and to change your truth. It does take work and dedication; a little each day makes a world of difference over time.
The only place to start however, is within yourself, being honest with yourself about your situation and make the decision to change, that is what takes the time. Once the decision is make….. it gets easier.
Here’s to a very different 2012.
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